BEGINNERS – What to expect:
The first 2 sessions we will meet at Thursley Common as it is the flattest/least technical terrain around here. Depending on the groups’ progress will depend on where we meet for further sessions. The idea is for me to take your children to different places where they can learn different terrain and how to handle the changing conditions as well as how it changes through the seasons. Fundamentally though it will be a fun and social way to learn bike handling techniques, get fit and learn how to navigate our local surroundings.
The great news will be as their confidence and fitness increases so will the distance that we will be able to cover in a session. However in winter when muddy conditions slow us down, we won’t be travelling as far, however they will be learning fantastic bike handling techniques, balance and control. Therefore expect to get wet and muddy and
then hot, sweaty and tanned in the summer as we will go out in all weather.
Here are the areas that I plan to take the children over time.
Ludshott Common and Waggoners Well
Bramshott Common
Hankley Common,
Thursley Common,
Devils Punchbowl, Hindhead Common and Gibbet Hill,
I will also find a mtb sportive or races if any of the children would like to sign up for in time. There is nothing better than having something to aim for to keep your fitness on track and in the right direction and not to give up.
What you need to do before the sessions start
- Ensure your helmet is less than 3 years old. (inside your helmet there should be asticker with a manufacture date. if its older than 3 years then you will need a new one)
- Ensure your bike has either been serviced or
- that the brakes work and have adequate pads
- chain is in good condition
- gears work
- wheels have no broken spokes
- tyres are in good condition
- Ensure that you have clothing for all weather. Especially for cold and wet days.