Fun, exciting and personalised to each child’s group of friends
They will come back buzzing
Fun, exciting and personalised to each child’s group of friends
They will come back buzzing
They will come back buzzing
Fun, exciting and personalised to each child’s group of friends
Whilst having the time of their lives on natural trails, children will get the opportunity to learn and improve their bike skills, whatever their standard. Each party goer will see an immediate improvement in their riding and a boost in confidence. They’ll understand how changes in their body position, footwork and where they are looking affect the way their bike behaves on trails. They’ll be able to tackle moderately steep terrain, corner with control and negotiate small trail obstacles with ease.
An idea of coaching that can be covered in the different age groups – each party will be unique and the ride will be tailored to the abilities of the children.
Getting to know your mountain bike
Safe riding position
Correct gear selection
Safe braking
Negotiating small trail obstacles
Playing games on the bikes!
The Ready Position
Dynamic weight shift
Effective braking
Negotiating trail obstacles
Cornering skills
Negotiating steep terrain
Achieving something you didn’t think you could!